The workshop includes installation of a wood-burning freestanding stove, installation of a Class A stainless steel chimney, different methods of crown building, how to build your own chimney chase top, and Business and Personal Risk Management. Instructors are Steve Hoover, Gary Hart, Gene Padgitt, and Lisa Hatcher.
An auction will be held with auctioneer Steve Hoover and items donated by suppliers and manufacturers in the industry.
Camping is available on site or stay at a nearby hotel.
CEU's have been applied for from the Chimney Safety Institute of America and the National Fireplace Institute.
The MCSC will also hold their annual meeting.
All hearth and chimney professionals and their employees are invited to attend. Visit the website at www.mcsc-net.org for registration and pricing information.
This seems interesting! I always cook over a wood fire while I am camping, but it is something I would like to do more at home. I know that you can get cooking wood and get a wood stove. It seems like so much fun. http://www.rousehillfirewood.com.au/about-us